I'm a designer whose work includes graphic design, motion graphics, and illustration.
I've had the good fortune to be part of some of the most creative design teams
in publishing, music, fashion, and film. Starting off in the magazine world, I designed
for such publications as Esquire, Working Woman, and Fame, culminating in three
years as an art director for Vanity Fair. Moving over to the music industry,
I oversaw the design of over 100 CD packages, plus corresponding marketing
collateral, for numerous major or independent record labels. This included a few
years spent as an Art Director for RCA Music Group. I've since branched out to
every aspect of graphic design: posters, brochures, motion design, graphic illustration,
print and motion graphics for film and TV, as well as occasionally dipping back
into magazines or music biz. Clients have included Ralph Lauren Fragrances,
Marc by Marc Jacobs, Architectural Digest magazine, Island Records,
Bath & Body Works, PETA, London Records, and motion graphics for the windows
of Saks Fifth Avenue. For the past 2 1/2 years I lead the creative department
of a large financial firm.

My home is in New York City, on the eastern-most point of the Lower East Side.

Our family spent 2015-2016 living in Germany, in the center of Berlin.

Finally made it to Dessau.

Member AIGA
Member of United Scenic Artists Union, Local 829.

Information regarding my video art can be found here.
A recent project was projection design for Elliott Sharp's opera "Port Bou".
Performances include Issue Project Room in Brooklyn and Konzerthaus, Berlin.